50-100mm Holder for Erlenmeyer Flasks - Herbert Arnold
These patented German engineered grabbers have an opening range of 50 to 100mm. This lightweight holder is made of an insulated handle and stainless steel clamping jaws. The design of these jaws allow an Erlenmeyer Flask, or anything with a conical body and flat bottom, to be held and spun securely. The handle is 14 centimeters long.
Ratings & Reviews
3 reviews
You won't regret it
by Rob D
The Herbert Arnold grabbers are by far the best grabbers for both holding strength and ease of use. They use a spring mechanism to open and close so no more fiddling with the screw to keep the grabbers shut. Just push the back end of the grabber onto the table and the claws open release it from the table and the claws grab down tight. This one is the perfect size and shape for the typical dab rig or mini tube.
The right grabbers for me
by Dougglass
Thanks rob d! I make a lot of mini tubes and dry hammers, was confused for a minute looking at all the different sizes and claw shapes, thanks for setting me straight with what works best with these particular grabbers dawg!
by scott -
These are amazing, it's not secret. I use them mainly for large cups.