White - Roger Parramore
Melts very smoothly, without boiling. Not recommended for use with the vac-stack technique.
Consistency has been the hallmark of Parramore Colors since their inception; ensuring that a superior product involves only the finest quality raw materials, processed carefully and blended in micro-batches. This commitment to superior quality yields a rather expensive product making it difficult for many to enjoy. Rather than sacrificing the quality, Parramore Glass responded by streamlining operations and making their focus on producing superior products at more affordable pricing.
Consistency has been the hallmark of Parramore Colors since their inception; ensuring that a superior product involves only the finest quality raw materials, processed carefully and blended in micro-batches. This commitment to superior quality yields a rather expensive product making it difficult for many to enjoy. Rather than sacrificing the quality, Parramore Glass responded by streamlining operations and making their focus on producing superior products at more affordable pricing.
Ratings & Reviews
1 review
Easy to work, not very dense
by Rodger S -
One of the most bail resistant whites, much more so than NS or GA, but it's quite translucent, and has a grainy appearance when thin. Great for outside unencased applications due to boil resistance, giving a smooth finish.