Tropical Green - Trautman
Tropical Green is a rich, transparent green reminiscent of jungle palms and warm southern waves. Depending on how it is worked, this green will develop turquoise Slyme-like highlights to deliver the full tropical effect!
This color is a transparent version of Sea Slyme; in thicker applications, near reheated areas and when the color is used under clear, a subtle blue milk strike will appear. In thinner and hotter applications this color will stay transparent and green.
Tropical Green is a very smooth working color that bends, pulls and coils easily. The color is also stable in all flame environments, and will retain its clarity after it is worked. A dynamic color that you can use as a pure transparent green, or bring out its shades of blue to add another dimension in your work.
Ratings & Reviews
1 review
by Bobbi
Great product!!!