Lemon Slyme - Trautman
A super bright, translucent and low-air content cad-yellow. This glass is very flame friendly for a color in the cadmium family and has a slyme-like milkiness that makes this color pop; you can see it from across the room! Use the normal precautions for cad colors, however Lemon Slyme is very flame tolerant, and Trautman considers it the smoothest cad color he has ever developed!
Ratings & Reviews
2 reviews
Go thick
by Alex
This color is a nice and smooth with coil poting, all tho it seems to be picky with color combos. I used lemon slym with Gemini for a rig and it cracks when it comes out of the kiln altho it was on the thiner side. May be better for thicker work.
by Glowinβ Glass
Great day glow color. This color in the sun reminds me of my UV yellow shirts. Melts smoothly. Beautiful color.