Psyche - Double Helix
Double Helix Psyche Reducing Tips:
1. Work in a neutral flame
2. Cool until glow is gone
3. Create reduction flame by reducing oxygen, increasing propane
4. Gently reheat in reduction flame.
COE 104.
Ratings & Reviews
4 reviews
by Glenda E -
Psyche is a great color for a beginner. It reduces easily, and can be worked easily on a HotHead. Be careful when encasing to not burn of the reduction.
Myriad colors and visual textures
by Adam S -
When they say it reduces quickly, it's no lie. Offers spectacular effects bare and encased, and even more when pulled for stringer and laid across dark translucent colors.
Psyche for the Hothead!
by Alli M -
Psyche is one of Double Helix's loveliest colors (IMHO). Reduced and encased, it holds lovely blues and purples; reduced and not encased brings out gorgeous silvers with hints of purple, pink and blue. And it loves the Hothead! Very easy to bring out the reduction (and consequently easy to over reduce, so be gentle!). One of my fav DH offerings.
Properly worked this color really pays off
by Danette W -
I had trouble with Psyche until I used Kim Neely's tutorial. the results were wonderful and I was able to achieve the full potential of this wonderful glass.(This is not a paid endorsement :) *We added a link to the tutorials on our tips and trick pages for Double Helix.