Blue Caramel - Northstar
NS081 Blue Caramel is a lush high intensity silvery striking color. If worked in a super oxidizing flame it will yield smoky blues and greens. If reduced it provides the user with an extremely silvery tan color. If encased, the color turns to be a brilliant metallic green. It is easy to work and is well suited for stringer applications and blown work. Try layering NS066 Sublime over the surface for a wonderful green effect!
Ratings & Reviews
7 reviews
bullet proof
by sean b -
This is another one of those colors that all beginners should have. You can throw pretty much any type of flame combo at it and it will yield an array of really cool effects. A very hard color to boil, it reminds alot of North Stars Blue Moon color. An all around great color to have in your palette.
Brilliant color yielding a wide array of effects
by Justin the Cookie
This color is super easy to work with yielding really cool color variations and effects. I really enjoyed the mirrored effect you get when reducing it. No problems with boiling. Rich gold colors, blues, and encasing effects had a cool layering effect. This is an amazing color and is a wonderful striking color from Northstar.
One of my favorites, I have never used a bad northstar rod
by Roy Nash
Blue carmal is one of my to go striking colors for the monsters. Gives a personality to my finished works
Try sandblasting!
by Lee G Glass
One thing that's not often explored with this color that should be, is the fact that you can sand blast it and leave some areas the striked surface and some raw due to the sandblast which makes excellent relief patterns.
To go color
by Roy Nash
Blue caramel is my to go color that always comes threw when I question myself, nice striking color, easy to manage. Like butter great to sculpt.
Favorite color
by Matt
A full quarter of my work uses this color. Each technique you use on it will yield new results, although I like it best under clear.
Oh the possibilities
by Jeremy
I love this stuff such a wide range of colors from caramel to blue to purple orange tans so many possibilities melts creamy and smooth great for sculpting